The Floortime Center

Licensing & Organizations

The Floortime Center® Licensing Packages

Contact Jake Greenspan or Tim Bleecker to discuss licensing opportunities. Email or call 301 657-1130

Would you like to get your staff trained by Floortime experts Jake Greenspan and Tim Bleecker?

Would like to have your practice listed with a specialized group of providers in the US and internationally for doing Floortime?

Get Approved!…Get Listed!…Start doing Floortime!

If you work at a private clinic, non-profit clinic, school, or hospital and want to get your organization approved, then contact us now.

Depending on the size and focus of each organization we will provide ongoing training and consulting packages for groups of professionals interested in learning and doing Floortime the way Dr. Greenspan felt it should be done.

Start your own The Floortime Center®

Are you interested in starting your own center?

Do you want your center to be part of an international group providing Floortime and Floortime-based services?

The Floortime Center founders and directors, Jake Greenspan and Tim Bleecker, will work with you on developing your own center.

Get Certified in The Greenspan Floortime Approach®

If you would like to get trained and certified in The Greenspan Floortime Approach®

Become part of an international certification group providing Floortime.

Contact us for more information, Phone: 001 (301) 657-1130, Email: or

Please ask for Jake Greenspan or Tim Bleecker.