concentrate and Create™: Fine motor and attention program
Is your child experiencing difficulties grasping small objects, holding utensils, using scissors, and/or handwriting? Is feeding (picking up foods and using utensils difficult for your child? All of these involve hand eye coordination, and if some of all of these challenges are present, then your child may be exhibiting delays in their fine motor system. Your child’s fine motor system is used extensively each day for everyday tasks, especially in school. Delays in this system can have a significant effect on their emotional well being and academic success. Some tasks can become overly frustrating and lead to anxiety. Many children develop low self-esteem, hyperactive or avoidant behaviors, and can even withdraw socially.
- Get your child assessed by a professional that will identify the core physical elements of their fine motor delay (i.e. weakness in the hand muscles, hand dexterity, positioning, etc.) while also identifying how their emotional perceptions of previous experiences have impacted them.
- A child’s emotional needs can be one of the main components supporting or impeeding growth in an area of development.
- A professional is only treating 50% of the child if they are only addressing the physical aspect(s) of the delay.
- A comprehensive program must address both the child’s physical and the emotional needs of the child.
- Create an in office and at home program that addresses both the physical and the emotional needs of the child.
- Implement the program over 8-12 weeks.
program details
This program includes an in office component with an OT Fine Motor Assessment and 24 in-center sessions as well as daily activities to be done at home with primary caregivers.
- 2-3 days per week for 8-12-weeks (24 total sessions)
- Each daily session (1 hour 50 minutes long) includes an appointment with an Occupational Therapist and Floortime Therapist .
Total Cost: $6,695
*2/3 of the total cost can be submitted for out-of-network insurance reimbursemen
Why a Floortime based fine motor program?
- Fine Motor (grasping, pointing, writing)
- Visual Perceptual Difficulties (tracking and scanning, negotiating visual environments)
- Activities of Daily Living (getting dressed, using zippers, brushing teeth, etc.)
- Feeding Issues
- Low Muscle Tone
- Aviodance and Attentional Problems
Call us at the main office, +1 (301) 657-1130, or email Tim Bleecker with any questions.